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Bol Jati and Laya Jati Definitions and Notations

Bol Jati and Laya Jati Definitions and Notations | Learn Kathak Online by Guru Pali Chandra

Guru Pali Chandra bestows a notable amassed chart to the neophytes of Kathak anent the Bol Jati and Laya Jati. Jati is the arrangement of syllables (bols) against number of beats (matras), in measuring the musical time. The five main varieties are
1. Tishra Jati - Three Syllables in one beat
2. Chatushra Jati - Four Syllables in one beat
3. Khanda Jati - Five Syllables in one beat
4. Mishra Jati - Seven Syllables in one beat
5. Sankeerna Jati – Nine Syllables in one beat