To Get Beginners Kathak Lessons in English
To Get Beginners Kathak Lessons in Hindi
Bol Jati and Laya Jati

Bol Jati and Laya Jati - Pancha Jati, 5 main categories of rhythm patterns, cycles of 3, 4, 5, 7 a

Guru Pali Chandra elucidates the two disparate types of Jati to the mentees of Kathak. The perspicuous gloss anent the Bol Jati and Laya Jati and how and why they are disparate enables the novices to attain mastery in the notion.

Guru Pali Chandra elucidating the nuances behind Pancha Jati, the following 5 main categories of rhythm patterns, cycles of 3, 4, 5, 7 and 9 beats.
Tishra (3 beats)- ta ki ta
Chatushra (4 beats) - ta ka dhi mi
Khanda (5 beats) - ta ka ta ki ta
Mishra (7 beats) - ta ka dhi mi ta ki ta
Sankeerna (9 beats) - ta ka dhi mi ta ka ta ki ta