Learn to dance Kathak online from your home and discover the liveliness and energy which imparts to you…
What you have to do is just click your way to a world of learning and select your choice of location. You may also find links to free online dance lessons and a few recommendations and suggestions for the beginners and the intermediates, those who wholeheartedly wishes to enjoy Kathak, the dance of motion. You will find video tutorials of Guru Pali Chandra for beginners and intermediate in this Online Programme.
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Tatkaar (Footwork) - Teentaal - Explanation with Taali and Khali and Footwork
Tatkaar (Footwork) - Teentaal - Explanation with Taali and Khali and Footwork
Tatkaar (Footwork) - Teentaal - Explanation with Taali and Khali and Footwork
Guru Pali Chandra introduces us to Teentaal and it's various intricacies in this lesson. The Taal or rhythm dictates the pace at which the entire performance goes and hence has an enormous effect on the dancer itself. The Guru begins the process of letting us know the various components of the Taal like Taali and Khali and demonstrates the same for us through precise footwork.
Definitions and Notations - Tatkaar Footwork Teentaal
Variety in Chakkars - Three Different Types of Steps in Kathak Chakkars
Omkara Explanation for Beginners - Understanding the Importance of Omkara Shloka in Kathak
Anga Suddhi for Beginners: Use of Breath and Importance of Suryanamaskar
Omkaaram Sloka Meaning – Translation of Omkaaram bindu samyuktam
Chaals Explanation for Beginners - Understanding the Importance of Chaals in Kathak
Showcasing the notations and definitions of Amad in Kathak